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108 results found for Autoinform

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    Tech Tip

  • Battery care, maintenance & diagnosis
  • Sep 19

  • Autoinform (109) Contact
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...Battery care, maintenance & diagnosis The vehicle battery is a critical integrated component of the electronics network. Increasingly, it also is responsible for the total electromotive force in electrical vehicles. I will comment on this development later! Despite this, it remains litt...

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    Tech Tip

  • Pressure Waveform Analytics with Frank Massey
  • Jun 19

  • Autoinform (109) Contact
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...Pressure waveform analytics At Autoinform Live in Cork last April, Frank Massey's presentation was on compression evaluation. Frank recently attended a presentation by Brandon Steckler on pressure waveform analysis, and here reflects on how this can help you in mechanical diagnosis. Let'...

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    Tech Tip

  • Facing the Future with Frank Massey
  • May 19

  • Autoinform (109) Contact
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...Facing the future Frank Massey is looking to the future for the Independent garage. Here he outlines the changes that he believes will have the biggest impact on vehicle repair and maintenance. He addresses the complacency in some areas of the aftermarket and explains why it's time for...

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    Tech Tip

  • Engine management - Past and future - Frank Massey
  • Apr 19

  • Autoinform (109) Contact
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...Engine management - Past and futureI have long accepted that nothing stands still for long in this industry. Just when you think you have a grasp of the subject, something is sure to upset it. Nothing illustrates this more than power train diagnostics. Initially called fuel injection, late...

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    Technical Bulletin

  • Current Measurement Tools and Process - Frank Massey
  • Mar 19

  • Autoinform (109) Contact
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...Current measurement tools and process My experiences with current measurement goes all the way back to the dark days of off-car ECU testing, initially relying on load simulation with the ATP network 500 terminal. It became painfully obvious that load simulation could not fully, and accura...

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    Tech Tip

  • Modern tests for modern batteries
  • Feb 19

  • Autoinform (109) Contact
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...Modern tests for modern batteries The battery is one of the oldest electrical components fitted to a vehicle. Frank Massey, of ADS, believes that the motor trade has fallen behind, due to a varying degree of complacency, in understanding rapid, recent battery development and has lost op...

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    Tech Tip

  • Problems from poor fuel quality
  • Jan 19

  • Autoinform (109) Contact
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...Problems from poor fuel quality Ahead of the Autoinform Live training event in Cork in April, Frank Massey wants to get you thinking about problems you are facing in your own garage. This month Frank discusses fuel quality, and how it can be the cause of some failures and poor running pro...

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    Tech Tip

  • Engine and Chassis Mechanical Diagnostics
  • Nov 18

  • Autoinform (109) Contact
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...Engine and Chassis Mechanical Diagnostics Ahead of the Autoinform Live training event in Cork in April, Frank Massey wants to get you thinking about problems you are facing in your own garage. In particular, mechanical diagnostics covering the engine and the chassis. Without any doubt, t...

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    Tech Tip

  • Modern Battery Testing
  • Oct 18

  • Autoinform (109) Contact
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...Autoinform Live Ireland Frank Massey Autoinform's Frank Massey talks about current battery technology and testing. Not only has the battery's importance been elevated, its construction has also changed and therefore, testing and servicing batteries has become more technically challeng...

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    Tech Tip

  • 50 Shades of Carbon
  • Jun 16

  • Autoinform (109) Contact
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...50 Shades of Carbon Cleaning engines is a dirty game, as Autoinform's Frank Massey explains. Hoping to improve on my personal finances I decided to write something dirty this month, having written many times reflecting on problems associated with diesel combustion and its post combustion...

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