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160 results found for MAHLE

...Technical Messenger Often, the cause of excessive coolant temperature is a defective cooling circuit. When it comes to failure diagnostics, potential sources of mal-function should be systematically checked, and even a rather insignificant component should not be overlooked. Typical ca...

...Technical Messenger Incorrect installation of spin-on filters (OC) can lead to corrosion damage and ultimately oil leakage. Installation of oil filters Oil filters are available as filter elements (OX) and spin-on filters (OC). The two variants differ not only in their design but alsoâ...

...Technical Messenger Flushing the air conditioning system is the most reliable and effective way to avoid consequential damage. Flushing the system is essential when: nThe compressor has suffered mechanical damage (e.g., where the oil contains metallic abrasion particles or swarf) nThe...

...Technical Messenger When replacing a coolant thermostat, there are certain things you need to be aware of. The coolant thermostat performs many important functions in a vehicle, so it must be replaced as quickly as possible if it becomes defective. An excessively high or excessively low...

...Technical Messenger After installing a new radiator, leaks or coolant loss may occasionally be detected on the component. The reason is often an installation error.Frequent cause of radiator damageLeaks are one of the most common complaints following the replacement of a radiator. In many...

...Technical Messenger A common question when working on air conditioning systems is which air conditioning compressor oil to choose. Different compressor oils are generally used depending on the application, vehicle manufacturer, and refrigerant. That's why the same questions come up time...

...Technical Messenger 03|2022 Damage caused by breaking in an engine incorrectly after repair Breaking in an engine after an overhaul in idle is still a common practice in many repair workshops around the globe. While this is thought to be a gentle way of allowing new and existing component...

...Technical Messenger 02|2022 Flushing the cooling system to avoid consequential damage When a cooling circuit component is damaged, only the corresponding part is often replaced. Flushing the cooling system to get rid of oil, deposits, or foreign objects inserted by the damaged component i...

...Mahle Technical Messenger Issue no. 02/2022 Flushing the cooling system to avoid consequential damage If the coolant contains oil, deposits, or foreign objects, not only should the cause be eliminated, but the cooling system should also be thoroughly cleaned. Contamination and l...

...Technical Messenger 08|2021 Important steps when replacing a filter-drier or accumulator In order to keep your refrigerant dry and clean, make sure your filter-drier and accumulator are performing at their highest capacity! Therefore it is important to prevent both from reaching their sat...

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