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208 results found for Pierburg

...Variable Mechanical Water Pumps Made Easy For a long time, mechanical water pumps were permanently coupled to the engine speed through one means or another. However, the trend for demand-based cooling has reached mechanical water pumps, too. This video provides an overview of the differ...

...When measuring electric components in the vehicle, the electric cables should never be pierced. This video shows you the damage this could result in and how to measure correctly....

...INTAKE MANIFOLD SERVO MOTOR:PROBLEMS AFTER INSTALLATION Potential complaints:• Repeated malfunctions following installation of a new servo motor• Fluctuations in speed and jerking• Diagnostic trouble codes P1018, P208, P2011, P3135 DO NOT FORGET TEACHING-IN! Electric servo motors (01...

...Function of the Secondary Air System The secondary air system supplies ambient air to the exhaust when the engine first starts up, until the engine is warm enough for the oxygen sensor to take control over the combustion mixture A "rich mixture", i.e. a mixture with excess fuel, i...

...IN THE EVENT OF PROBLEMS WITH FUEL PUMPS: CHECK CONTACT In the event of problems in the fuel system, the system pressure and volumetric flow of the fuel pump should be measured first.If the measured values do not match the manufacturer's specifications, it is sometimes the case that the...

...Install water pumps from Audi, Seat, Škoda and VW correctly Install water pumps from Audi, Seat, Škoda and Volkswagen correctly The housing of the water pumps mentioned in this video can break if installed incorrectly. This may result in consequential damages up to engine...

...How the 3-way catalytic converter and lambda sensor work. The three-way catalytic converter is used for exhaust gas after-treatment on vehicles with a combustion engine. In this video, we show you have the regulated 3-way catalytic converter works and the roles of the lambda sensor, or con...

...Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) made easy Exhaust gas recirculation is used to reduce harmful emissions from petrol and diesel engines. In this video, we show you how EGR operates, the components it is made up of and how they work....

...OBD and Fuel Supply...

...VALVESINSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT ERRORS Incorrect valve clearance settings Cause: The valve clearance has been set too tight or the maintenance intervals have been exceeded. Consequence: The value no longer closes properly. Combustion gases �ow past the valve seat and heat up t...

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