...Technical BUlleTincst.uk@trw.com44.197.866.7800code: BeTBc3Pages: 1 of 1TheSe aRe VeRY SiMilaR caliPeRS Which can Be TOlD BY WheRe The inleT iS in Rela TiOn TO The cOUnTeRBORe MOUnTinG hOlecaliper identification ca253 & ca63--------------------------------------------------------------...
...Code: BETBC11Pages: 1 of 1Due to the complexity of ordering the correct caliperCaliper Identification CA1498R, CA1514R, CA1987R, CA2441R, CA2447R & CA2583RAudi A4 Rear CalipersCA1498 & CA1498RInlet: 10mm (Standard Inlet Pipe Fitting)Piston: 38mm Discs:-SolidDetail:...
...Code: BETBC12Pages: 1 of 1Caliper Identification CA1556/R & CA1992/RTECHNICAL BULLETINcst.uk@trw.com44.197.866.7800 BETBC12 - Caliper Identification CA1556R & CA1992R...
...Code: BETBC14Pages: 1 of 1Caliper Identification CA1708 & CA1766If in doubt ASK! Large tapped hole . M12 Small tapped hole . M10 Calipers are very similar , quickest way of identifying them is the size of the tapped hole adjacent to the inlet/bleed points. CA1766 h...
...Code: BETBC17Pages: 1 of 1Caliper Identification CA2074 & CA2242Difference between CA2074 & CA2242 CA2074 – Jaguar caliper CA2242 – Ford caliper (No shoulder) Notes • Basically they use one casting but they are machined diffe...
...Code: BETBC22Pages: 1 of 1There are 2 options of front calipers for 2.0 & 2.2 HDiCaliper Identification CA2115R & CA2116RCitroen C5 Front CalipersCA2115 & CA2115R CA2116 & CA2116RBrake Disc MeasurementsDiameter: 283 mm Disc Thickness: 26 mmCasting NumbersLeft: 1083 Right: 1084Moun...
...Code: BETBC27Pages: 1 of 1Caliper Identification CA2343 & CA2344 Difference between CA2343 & CA2344 These calipers use the same casting but are fitted with different rotating levers for use with two types of hand brake cable. Mike Tay...
...Code: BETBC33Pages: 1 of 1Caliper Identification CA2559/R & CA2595/R Main differences between CA 2559/R & CA2595/R CA2559 (Electric) CA2595 (Standard) Cast code = 948/B Cast code = 9944 Slider pitch = 118 mm...
...Code: BETBC34Pages: 1 of 1Caliper Identification CA2664/R & CA2789/R Difference between CA 2664/R and CA2 789/R CA2 664/R CA2 789/R ATE ATE Cast code 9 57 (44/22 ) Cast code (TBA) Pad gap (TBA) Pad gap 67mm Main d...
...Code: BETBC36Pages: 1 of 1Caliper Identification CA2745/R & CA2808/RDifference between CA2745/R and CA2808/R CA2745 CA2808 Tokico Tokico Piston Ø = 43mm Piston Ø = 43 mm Pad Gap = 74mm Pad Gap = 68mm Sli...