...Some models of Toyota Carina E were manufactured with two types of steering rack, listed in the Blue Print catalogue as ‘+ZF’ (for the ZF branded rack) or ‘-ZF’ (for the Japanese sourced rack). Although outwardly the track rod ends are the same size and shape, the Z...
...Isuzu Trooper Water Pump Application ADZ99107 We have been informed of several instances of water pump bearing failure on Isuzu Trooper 3.1DT models where a pump designed for use on the 2.8 model (ADZ99107) has been used. Please note that the current Blue Print catalogue application MUST...
...Toyota Carina E Front Lower Wishbone (Arm) ADT38646 & ADT38647 Blue Print now stock a Lower Front Wishbone for the Toyota Carina E. This is suitable for all models with the exception of the GTi version. Toyota build the Carina E in the UK and in Japan. The 17 character long Vehicle Id...
...Opel Omega B 1994 up to 2001 Leaking Headlamp Pressure on the headlamp can cause leakages. Due to the tolerance between the headlamp and the bumper being small, the headlamp can be put under pressure causing the seal to become damaged and allowing the ingress of water. If this is the c...
...Audi A2 Key recognition On the above mentioned vehicle with climate control the settings of the air-conditioning system are stored automatically. When the vehicle is started, the system recognises the settings related to that particular key and sets the system to those settings. If sever...
...Ford Ka 11.04.01 up to 10.07.01 A/C Failure Failure of the A/C through leakage from the filter drier. If the problem is a lack of cooling performance or even complete failure of the A/C system, then this could be due to the following cause:- A leakage in the area of the stud bolt, on th...
...VW Golf 3 Receiver-drier change On most models the drier is located below the right headlight, behind the bumper (picture 1). Replacement should proceed as follows: 1. Remove air filter case completely (depending on engine). 2. Remove the bumper baffle or additional headlight on the rig...
...Ford Transit with 2,5 ltr. Diesel engine, Build year 10.96 – 02.98 Warning light – water trap illumination and/or blown fuse № 7 If the warning light – water trap illuminates, although the water in the water trap of the fuel filter is drained, and/or the fuse № 7 has blown se...
...Opel Vectra B up to build year 1996 All engines Illumination of the coolant level warning light in the check display If the coolant level warning light illuminates although the coolant level is okay, a possible cause could be a faulty coolant level sensor. To rectify the problem consid...
...Renault Clio, Clio II, Twingo, Kangoo with engine D7F Difficult starting or engine doesn't start If the fault with this vehicle, with engine D7F (1,2 Lt. 40 – 44 KW) is difficult or not starting, a possible cause can be faulty injection valves. Due to changing fuel properties the inje...