...Ford Escort, Build Year 10.95 -12.97 Some vehicle in the build range can experience water ingress in the front foot well. This is due to the condensation water routing of the evaporator body being wrong. To rectify the problem: To rectify the problem Ford recommend to change...
...Ford Escort, Build Year .01.95 - 10.97 Some vehicle in this build range experience total air conditioning loss. The problem is due to the electrical wiring of the compressor snagging the compressor belt. To rectify the problem: 1. Repair the electric wire to the compress...
...Fiesta `96 Build Year 08.95-08.99 Puma Build Year 08.95 -08.99 Ka Build Year 09.96 -08.99 Some vehicle in this build range experience drumming noises from the dashboard when the temperature position is between minimum and maxim um. To rectify the probl...
...Ford Focus, build up to and including 15.01.99 Windscreen, Rear window and Side windows steam up fog up. This is due to there being not enough ventilation in the area of the rear bumper. To rectify the problem: To rectify the problem Ford recommend to change the ven...
...Ford Mondeo, Build year 08.93 – 03.98 Some vehicle in the build range can experience water ingress in the front right hand foot well. This is due to defective seal between the pollen filter air ducting and the mounting. To rectify the problem: The cause of the problem i...
...Ford Transit, build from 08.94 Some vehicle in this build range experience condensation water ingress via the ventilation in to the foot well when the air conditioning is running. To rectify the problem: Ford offers a collecting tray with a drainpipe which is mounted und...
...Opel Omega B 2.5 Liter Turbo Diesel From model year `98 Modification to the compressor and expansion valve With the engine code change from model year '98(X25DT in place of 25DT) the compressor has also changed. The Denso 7SB16 replaces the Denso 6CA17. Consequently the...
...Opel Vectra A/Astra F/Calibra Unsatisfactory cooling of original systems If customers find fault with the cooling performance of the air -conditioning system of a Vectra A, Astra F or Calibra, the refrigerant charge and the\ expansion valve should be the first check carried o...
...Opel Vectra B Different compressors The Vectra B has various Harrison and Denso compressors fitted. These can be different despite same vehicle types (e.g. belt pulley alignment). To be sure that the ordered part is the right one, order only using the original part number!...
...Important information for the repair of an air-conditioning system with a damaged compressor. When carrying out a repair to an air conditioning system with a damaged compressor it is absolutely necessary to clean (flush) the complete system. This is required to en sure t...