...Mercedes C-Class (W 203) All vehicles above model year 02/03 ESP/ABS pilot lamp lights up If a customer complains about the above error, this could be caused by a corroded plug connection. Error codes C 1140 (steering wheel angle sensor, incorrect signal) and C1145 (ABS wheel speed...
...Alfa Romeo Model 147 Model years 2001-2010 Applies to all petrol engines Engine will not start If a customer complains about the above problem, this could be caused by a defective crankshaft sensor. The vehicle cannot be started sporadically, irrespective of whether the engine is...
...Opel Astra-G,Vectra-B Model years 1998-2000 Opel Zafira Model years 1999-2000 All models with X18XE1 engine Irregular engine running Vehicle occasionally stalls; impaired idle speed control If the above-mentioned symptoms occur on these vehicles, this may be caused by a dirty throttl...
...Renault Trafic II Model year: starting 2007 Air-conditioning system with an evaporator Loss of coolant Damaged coolant hose In the above vehicles, a damaged coolant hose may lead to the loss of coolant. When replacing the hose, the condenser should also be replaced. If coolan...
...Ford Probe; Explorer, Windstar. Refilling additional coolant oil for models older than 1996 - compressor failure According to research results, a frequently-occurring early compressor failure is caused by the oil quantity filled by the plant. This oil quantity is too low to ensure s...
...Saab 900 II Year of manufacture: 1993 - 1998 Speed control for heating-system fan In the above vehicles, a defective fan control unit can result in the passenger compartment fan operating only at the highest speed. If the fan speed can no longer be controlled by the control...
...BMW 5 Series Type: E39 SRS - warning light lights up Ingress of water into the interior of the above vehicles can cause the SRS warning light to light up. Ingress of water through the noise insulator of the front and rear doors generally drenches the carpet in the interior of th...
...Ford Mondeo Model year 1994 - 1997 Burnt-through magnetic clutch The burnt-through magnetic clutch is not always caused by the compressor, but also by the low-pressure switch . This is located on the accumulator (filter drier) and is re cognised by its white colour. This switch typ...
...Mazda Model 5 Model years 2005 to 2010 2.0 diesel engine (RF Turbo) 105 kW Engine stalls If a customer complains about the above problem, this could be caused by the fuel pressure control valve. Furthermore, occasional loss of power and poor engine cold starting performance may a...
...BMW 120d (E81) Model year: 2007 - 2011 Engine: N47 D20 Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) Engine control light is on Vehicle has power loss Error code: 4507, EGR air mass is too low 4501, EGR air mass is too high 4CAE, power loss If one or more of the above problems are identified...