...Important information for the repair of an air-conditioning system with a damaged compressor. When carrying out a repair to an air conditioning system with a damaged compressor it is absolutely necessary to clean (flush) the complete system. This is required to en sure t...
...Ford Mondeo, Build Year 05.95 – 04.98 Inoperative blower motor in switch position 1, 2 and 3 and/or a smell like melted plastic from the right front foot well. To rectify the problem: A bad electrical con tact at the blower resistor motor can be the cause and must r...
...Exchange of the filter / dryer Important note why the filter / dryer must be changed. The filter / dryer is a very sensitive part in the air conditioning system , rather like an oil filter in the oil circulation system. The filter / dryer , due to its construction (see the Tec...
...Opel Astra-G 98-2000, Zafira 99-2000 Leak between the lens and housing of the headlamp. If the problem is dew in the headlamp, on the above mentioned vehicle , the fault can be attributed to a too small gap between the bonnet and headlamp ( Pic. 1), this cause s th...
...Ford Escort, Build Year 10.95 -12.97 Some vehicle in the build range can experience water ingress in the front foot well. This is due to the condensation water routing of the evaporator body being wrong. To rectify the problem: To rectify the problem Ford recommend to change...
...Ford Escort, Build Year .01.95 - 10.97 Some vehicle in this build range experience total air conditioning loss. The problem is due to the electrical wiring of the compressor snagging the compressor belt. To rectify the problem: 1. Repair the electric wire to the compress...
...Fiesta `96 Build Year 08.95-08.99 Puma Build Year 08.95 -08.99 Ka Build Year 09.96 -08.99 Some vehicle in this build range experience drumming noises from the dashboard when the temperature position is between minimum and maxim um. To rectify the probl...
...Ford Focus, build up to and including 15.01.99 Windscreen, Rear window and Side windows steam up fog up. This is due to there being not enough ventilation in the area of the rear bumper. To rectify the problem: To rectify the problem Ford recommend to change the ven...
...VW Sharan Ford Galaxy Seat Alhambra Low pressure service connector On the above -mentioned vehicles the low pressure service connector is fitted below the right headlight (pic. 1). To use the connection the right indicator lamp must be removed. A Torx -screw (pic.2) must...
...BMW E34 & E36 Control light of the Airbag system illuminated after working on the instruments panel. If the instrument panel on this vehicles is removed, the ignition should not be switched on. When the ignition is switched on, during the time the instrument panel is disconnected...