...Subaru Impreza engine management light problem In this video Clive Atthowe Automotive Diagnostic Specialist discusses a common fault on Subaru Impreza's where the engine management light comes on. cylinder misfire cylinder mis-fire neutral position switch Subaru Impeza STI Su...
...MAP Controlled Cooling Systems In this video Mark Banks discusses the MAP Controlled Cooling Systems Manifold absolute pressure VAG Cooling thermostat fault code thermostat unseated cooling fans running continuously P0116 Coolant temperature sensor implausible signal plastic c...
...Cloning a Vehicle Key - Part 2 In this video Robin Huish Technical Director of Hickleys Ltd continues his Technical Presentation regarding Programming Vehicle Keys and Key Cloning Key programming remote programming key cloning remote cloning Ford Focus Texas Crypto 4D trans...
...Evaluating Ignition Performance AutoInform http://www.autoinform.co.uk is a FREE bi-monthly online magazine. In this video Anton Tsarev discuss evaluating engine ignition performance Alfa Romeo 166 V6 Twin Spark poor performance running poorly poor oscilloscope https://www...
...Using a Dayco aWEARness Gauge to check for belt wear Today's belts are now made with an EPDM extended-life rubber compound. These EPDM constructed belts wear completely different than Neoprene, and can last up to 100,000 miles. Dayco's new aWEARness Gauge is designed to gauge wear and est...
...Heater Plug Repair Kit In this video Frank Massey of Autoinform shows some of the tools used when repairing Heater Plugs on Common Rail Diesel Engines heater plug extraction glow plug extraction helicoil damaged threads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIijsZxR8t8...
...VW ABS Hydraulic Pump Defective In this video Mark Banks, Master Technician from Holmer Green Service Centre, discusses a common fault on VW Polo ABS Systems where a Hydraulic pump failure is thought to be the cause. 02 03 VW Volkswagen Polo P1276 ABS Hydraulic Pump defective Sporadi...
...Changing a Run Flat or High Performance Tyre In this video Jamie Gibson demonstrates the procedure for changing run flat tyres and high performance tyres. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9n78tfftHo...
...Curing Erratic Engine Idling with David Massey AutoInform In this video David Massey demonstrates some of the issues with throttle idling and how to cure this issue. Throttle adaption Poor idle fluctuating idle Bosch ME7 VAG Cleaning throttle body www.youtube.com/watch?v=x...
...Renewing rear coil springs on a Rover 75 Kevin Murday demonstrates the renewal of rear coil springs on a Rover 75 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW8mFEaRMv4...