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73 results found for NTN-SNR

...CVJ –ENG/02 –05/2019CV BOOT KITSRecommended clamp tightening proceduresCaution. If the clamp is not tight enough :(M1. M2 à 4mm)➢Greaseleakage. If the clip is too tight: (M1. M2 à 1.2mm)➢The CV boot can split and allow grease to leakTorque:WithHAZET5110-2CTplierorCLASplier. C...

...WHEEL SIDE JOINTDISASSEMBLY / ASSEMBLYCVJ –ENG/04 –01/2020Step by step for dismounting and mounting the wheel side joint❖1ststep : disassembly1Dismounting of tightening components: small and big clampUse a cutting tool or a hacksaw to open the clampsHacksaw2The boot removing can be d...

...Recommendations for the correct fitment of CVJ'sNever use a CV joint that has suffered an impact, even if there is no apparent damage.HANDLING RECOMMENDATIONSAlways hold the CV joint by the connecting shaft and the tulip section to stop the joints from pulling apart and damaging the int...

...CV BOOTS Possible causes of damageCVJ – ENG/03 – 05/2019Damage Grease leakagePresence of grease under the clamp.1- Bad clamping 2- Bad clamp or bad boot position3- Tear boot4- Shock on the boot clamp2Boot reversionCauses: 1- Bad handling 2- External damage/aggression3- Str...

...Best practices when replacing a timing belt. Watch the video & discover our tips & best practices when doing a timing system....

...Wheel speed sensor: Detection of ABS faults and sensor replacement Frank Massey ABS Diagnostics NTN-SNR  ...

...IDENTIFICATIONOFNTN-SNRBRAKEDISCHUBKITKF155.81URemoval/installation recommendationsKF155.81UWHEEL : KF155.81URENAULT:OE reference7701472838D, 7701713008, 8200655249D, 8200367094DLAGUNA II (BGO), LAGUNA II Phase 2, SCENIC IIReminder:brakediscsshouldalwaysbereplacedinpairs,neverreplaceonlyon...

...IDENTIFICATIONOFNTN-SNRBRAKEDISCHUBKITKF155.125URemoval / installation recommendationsKF155.125UWHEEL: KF155.125UOPEL:RENAULT:VAUXHALL:FIAT:OE reference432007343R, 432022742R, 4422288, 95516956, 95523187, 6000620071Vivaro, Vivaro FLTrafic III, Trafic IIiFLVivaro, Vivaro FLFiorino (225) FLI...

...IDENTIFICATIONOFNTN-SNRWHEELKITR140.38Removal/installation recommendationsR140.38WHEEL: R140.38CITROEN:FIAT:PEUGEOT:OE reference(bearing) 1328054080, 1606375180Jumper (I and II), Relay (I and II)Ducato, Ducato (RUS)Boxer (I and II)2R140.38Thetighteningtorqueforthedriveshaftnutis420Nm.COMMO...

...GA357.24OE REFERENCE038903315AHENGINES1.9TDI, 2.0TDiIDENTIFICATION OF ACCESSORY BELT TENSIONER ROLLER GA357.24TraceabilityAUDI : A3 series 2, A4 & A6 series 3SEAT : Cordoba IV, Ibiza III, Leon II, Altea, Altea XLSKODA : Octavia I, fabia II VOLKSWAGEN Passat, Jetta III, Golf V plus, Polo...

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